Yield: 1 serving
Time: 15 minutes
Companion to the last recipe post… while my cast iron pan was tied up in the oven, I made up an omelette with the same ingredients to show how good it is either way
Omelettes are a wonderful way to create healthy flavorful meals. This one is simply the omelette version of the baked eggs in the last post, without the sausage (though of course that would be delicious).
While I’m at it, I’ll write out how I like to make my omelettes, following more or less the method of Jacques Pepin. I like them thin and rolled, almost more like a crêpe, rather than thick, fluffy and folded once. In essence, the thing is to have a large enough pan that it can spread out quite thin (I like a 12″ non-stick frying pan).
- 2 eggs
- Spinach, about two handfuls
- about 2oz sharp cheddar cheese in strips or diced
- 1/2 tbsp butter
- Salt, pepper to taste
- 1/2 avocado cut in strips for garnish
- 1-2 tbsp Saucí Romesco
- Beat the eggs in a bowl. Perhaps the best way is using chopsticks since it doesn’t incorporate too much air into the eggs. But a fork works fine too.
- Sauté the spinach in 1/2 tbsp butter in a non-stick pan and set aside
- Melt another 1/2 tbsp butter in a large (12″) non-stick pan on medium heat.
- Pour in the eggs, slightly lift and rotate the pan to spread out the eggs around the pan. Grind a little salt onto the eggs evenly.
- Let the eggs cook a bit on the bottom, then add the sautéed spinach in a line slightly to one side of the center line.
- Lay in the cheese on the spinach evenly.
- Using the chopsticks or a spatula, gently go around and lift the edges of the egg to make sure it’s separated.
- Starting at the side closest to the spinach and cheese, gently lift the edge of the egg and roll it over the fillings, continuing till the omelette rolls over.
- Cook on the one side for about 30 seconds, then roll it to the other side to cook another 30 seconds.
- When it is cooked through, slide the omelette off onto a plate, lay on the avocado slices, and grind some pepper over the top.
- Add 1-2 tbsp Saucí Romesco to the egg, or on the side.